28.11.2021 मेरे लिए बेहद खास दिन रहा। Feeling extremely blessed !
यामी गौतम ने सोशल मीडिया में अपने जन्मदिन पर कुछ फोटोज शेयर करते हुए कहा
Gratitude to my beautiful family & especially my husband (I can say that out loud now Aditya 🙈😄) for making it so special 💫
We should consider ourselves lucky that we are blessed with a family that is so selfless
Thank you my extremely hard-working team that believes in me tirelessly
Thank you to my amazing crew
hank you for all the wishes from my colleagues, friends & members of fraternity & media houses etc
And a very special thank you to all the fans & fan-clubs ! I am truly indebted by your love